Who we are

Hi, my name is Paolo, I come from Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. You’re probably wondering what is my connection with Gagliano Aterno?

Everything started with a desire for generosity that I carry in my heart and an adventure to rediscover my root.

In 2012, after different years traveling for work , I wanted to renovate my grandad’s house, Unfortunately I’ve never met him.
When I was child I spent my summers with my mother in this house, and after 30 years I decided to rediscover my roots.

I will always remember the day I went back to Gagliano after 30 years.
In April, It was a rainy day and the town was deserted.
I didn’t remember where the house was.
But I’ve met some people coming from the town, they started answering me ‘Who you are?’, ‘Where are you from?’, ‘Who are your parents?’ and ‘When will you leave?’

To answer their questions I seemed to find a rock to overcome but I answered lightly:
I come from Friuli region,
I am the son of my mother and I leave when I find my grandfather’s house!
So who is your grandfather? They asked to me.
My grandfather was Medardo Bernabei.

At that answer I was opened to a world of kindness, brotherhood, respect I could not justify, until, between a coffee and a glass of Montepulciano, they told me who my grandfather was.
I felt at home.

Paolo Sivilotti dal Friuli a Gagliano Aterno nella sua Casa vacanze da Medardo

From this moment with pride and gratitude for the good heart and generosity I decided to call my activity “Medardo’s Vacation home” in honor of those who preceded me, fought to build and shared the home.
I, in a different key, I want to propose the same values.

From my experiences with the elderly and the people that knew my grandfather I cultivate this feeling more and more: I desire that my home becomes the place where service, sharing and friendship are always welcome, because they are treasures that life gives us and must always be cultivated!

From that moment I used all my holidays and my free moments, year after year, to try, with my strength and who came to my aid, to arrange, make more usable and give services to those who wanted to visit us, had the need or desire to stay in Gagliano Aterno!
My enthusiasm grows every time I leave the highway at Pratola Peligna and I enter San Venanzio Canion , because, surrounded by nature and taking a leap back in time.
I meet customs and traditions that in other places are now a distant remembers.

The inspiration of my doing I recognized in a thought of Saint Francis, who says: “Begin to Do what is necessary, then what is possible. And suddenly you’ll be surprised to do the impossible.”
With this aspiration we still have a lot to do, we are growing with many projects that gradually with our resources we will put to use, for our home and for the community.

My goal is to retrace my roots and rebuild parts of lost history.
I can in the near future devote myself fully to the project and generosity that over the years I have understood to be things that makes me happy and worth more than gold!
Not to be missed!

Venite a trovarci il nostro staff e sempre a vostra disposizione!

Da qui con orgoglio e riconoscenza per il buon cuore e la voglia di condivisione ho chiamato la mia attività “Casa Vacanze da Medardo” in onore di chi mi ha preceduto, lottato per edificare e condividere ed io, in chiave diversa, voglio riproporre gli stessi valori.

Perché dalle esperienze trascorse con gli anziani e i conoscenti del nonno ho coltivato sempre più questa passione: desidero che la mia casa diventi la casa dove il servizio, la condivisione e l’amicizia siano sempre i benvenuti, perché sono dei tesori che la vita ci regala e vanno coltivati sempre!

Da quel momento ho usato tutte le mie ferie e i momenti liberi, anno dopo anno, per cercare, con le mie forze e quelle di chi mi è venuto in aiuto, di sistemare, rendere più fruibile e dare sempre più servizi a chi voleva venirci a trovare, aveva la necessità o voglia di soggiornare a Gagliano Aterno!
Il mio entusiasmo cresce ogni volta che esco dall’autostrada a Pratola Peligna e imbocco le gole di San Venanzio, perché, immerso nella natura incontaminata e facendo un balzo indietro nel tempo, incontro usi, costumi e tradizioni che in altri luoghi sono ormai un lontano ricordo.

The inspiration of my doing I recognized in a thought of Saint Francis, who says: “Begin to Do what is necessary, then what is possible. And suddenly you’ll be surprised to do the impossible.”
With this aspiration we still have a lot to do, we are growing with many projects that gradually with our resources we will put to use, for our home and for the community.

My goal is to retrace my roots and rebuild parts of lost history.
I can in the near future devote myself fully to the project and generosity that over the years I have understood to be things that makes me happy and worth more than gold!
Not to be missed!